Up to 250 dwellings including 30% affordable housing, with public open space, structural planting and landscaping, surface water flood mitigation and attenuation and vehicular access points from Shrivenham Road.
Comprising 28.12 acres (11.38 hectares) (gross) the land is made up of a large agricultural field. The site presents itself as a great opportunity as a logical extension to Highworth. The proposed development has been designed to incorporate a range of properties with the potential density of up to 35 dwellings per hectare. The site introduces both market and affordable dwellings required to be delivered by Swindon Borough Council, alongside public open space.
Outline planning permission for up to 250 homes, including 30% affordable housing was granted by Swindon Borough Council 21st September 2021 together with a completed S.106 dated 15th September 2021.
Affordable housing with a tenure split comprising 70% Social Rented and 30% Intermediate Housing as detailed in the S106 Agreement. Developers are asked to make their own enquiries with Registered Providers.
It is a key requirement of the landowners that a high quality sympathetic and sustainable scheme is delivered on their land. They see this as an opportunity for a purchaser to deliver an exceptional development.
All potential purchasers to demonstrate (with drawings and supporting specifications) how they would intend to deliver a scheme that not only provides an aesthetically pleasing layout but one that is considerate to its wider setting and achieves high industry standards for energy efficiency over the life of the homes.
As minimum the development will be constructed to the proposed Part L Building Regulations. The landowners require that at least 10% of the dwellings are constructed to achieve the lowest future running costs able to be achieved using currently available materials and technology within the industry.
Offers: Due by 12 noon on the 30th November 2021.
Developers Obligations and Access - Contact the selling agent, Ed Preece ep@waymarkproperty.co.uk
Reference: 21570724 EAID:3552051449 BID:461801